It's not at all unusually for kids to trip and fall, and hit their their teeth. In fact it's estimated that nearly 50% of children suffer some injury to a tooth during childhood.
Store bought vs custom made Mouthguards
Every year at about this time I get questions about mouthguards. Are they all the same? Surely a chemist mouthguard does the same job?
But when it comes to buying a mouthguard they are not all the same. You may recall the media coverage over concussions in sport a couple of years ago – well that sparked a fair amount of research into the topic and some of it was surprising. Players wearing store bought mouthguards were more than twice a likely to suffer mild traumatic brain injuries (concussions) than those wearing custom-made, properly fitted mouthguards.
5 Fun Facts About Kissing
Soda and water
So when we’re out I often see people choosing to drink soda water with a twist of lemon. It’s refreshingly light and bubbly, but it’s not great for your teeth.
Now don’t get me wrong – it’s a far healthier alternative to sugary soft drink or even fruit juices. My concern is that people may not realise that it’s still damaging to teeth. So why would this clear bubbly beverage pose any issues?
Why implants should be a last resort
Chew Gum Test
5 common medications that increase tooth decay
5 common medications that increase tooth decay
Medications are supposed to make you healthier, but sometimes the side effects have negative impacts on your teeth and oral health.
All the medications listed shared a common side effect of xerostemia, or dry mouth. Dry mouth is a common factor that increases the risk of tooth decay and infection.
Diabetes and gum disease
People with diabetes are susceptible to periodontitis, a gum infection that can resultin tooth loss. New research helps explain why…
A new study led by University of Pennsylvania researchers unequivocally demonstrates the population of oral microbes (microbiome) is affected by diabetes. Diabetes causes a shift to increase the pathogenicity of the microbiome.
Stress and grinding
It may sound strange but many people don’t realise they grind their teeth. The habit can be very damaging to teeth and can have follow on symptoms you may not expect.
Exactly when, why and how long you clench and, or grind varies. The habit is usually involuntary and often associated with stress. It’s common for people (including children) to clench and grind during their sleep so we’ll often hear of partners and parents complaining about the noise before the patient is aware.
Can estrogen therapy prevent gum disease
Osteoporosis treatment may lower the risk of severe periodontitis in women by nearly 50 %...
A recent study of 500 postmenopausal women who received service at an osteoporosis diagnosis center in Brazil, revealed that women over the age of 50 treated with estrogen for osteoporosis are 44 percent less likely to have severe periodontitis than women who did not receive the treatment.